Latin America

Feature Story

Responding to gender-based violence through sorority and information

15 December 2023

In the quiet corner of a community center in Guatemala City, 29-year-old Emma - fictitious name - sits among other women she does not know. In the faces and gestures of each of them, you can see that they all carry the weight of violence and injustice on their shoulders.

The first subtle rays of sunlight gradually fill the room; calm and comfort invite Emma and the others to feel more relaxed in their hearts and souls. With tired eyes, small hands, and a heart scarred by violence, she looks around, absorbs the energy of the place, and takes a deep breath as she awaits the start of a therapy session and an informative talk about HIV.

As the therapy session began, Emma shyly and cautiously shared her experiences with Wendi Polanco, who, since 2019, has become a helping hand for many women battered by gender-based violence. Through Latiendo Juntas, the organization she leads in Guatemala, Wendi clearly proves that sisterhood works and is transformative.  

With support from UNAIDS, Latiendo Juntas coordinates a project to improve access to comprehensive health services, including sexually transmitted infections (STI) and HIV testing and care for women survivors of violence. They also contribute to their resilience and empowerment by raising awareness of human rights, including their sexual and reproductive rights, through group therapy and HIV information talks, which provide facts and a platform for open dialogue, fostering a non-judgmental environment.

"The room becomes a sanctuary where the pain of women like Emma and so many others is recognized," says Wendi. "The community center is a refuge for them, and a network of support among the women is woven with the sun's warmth. I feel relieved when I see how the weight on their shoulders begins to lessen."

Throughout these therapy sessions, Emma and other women discover comfort and empowerment. The therapeutic journeys offered at Latiendo Juntas become a catalyst for their resilience, liberation, and self-care.

The link between HIV and violence against women is a widespread problem, as gender-based violence increases women's vulnerability to HIV infection. Women who experience violence may have difficulty negotiating safe sexual practices, including the use of condoms, which increases their risk of contracting HIV. In addition, fear of violence may deter women from seeking HIV testing, treatment, and support, perpetuating the cycle of violence and silence and limiting their access to critical and essential healthcare resources.

Violence against women in Guatemala is endemic and can be described as a shadow pandemic. The country has one of the world's highest rates of femicide: the intentional murder of women because they are women.

"Addressing the intersection of HIV and violence against women requires comprehensive efforts that include education, empowerment, and dismantling gender-based power imbalances," says Irene Izquieta, UNAIDS Advisor on Rights and Gender for Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. 

Press Statement

UNAIDS welcomes new decision in Colombia allowing more affordable access to quality HIV medicines

Colombia makes landmark decision to declare the HIV medicine dolutegravir of public interest, allowing the country to purchase or manufacture more affordable, generic versions of the live-saving HIV medicine

BOGOTÁ/GENEVA, 4 October 2023—UNAIDS applauds the government of Colombia for declaring the HIV medicine dolutegravir of public interest. This important breakthrough in public health measures will allow the government to issue a compulsory license, breaking the monopoly, and making it much more affordable for the Colombian government to purchase or manufacture. The new decision could mean that the price of the life-saving medicine is reduced by as much as 80%.

“When the power to produce health technologies is held by a few companies, the result all too often is that countries can’t afford the high prices and people who need newer products cannot access them,” said Luisa Cabal, UNAIDS Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean. “We are confident that this decision will have an impact across the whole region and beyond, as many middle-income countries are struggling to access generic markets of key health products to prevent and treat HIV infection.” 

The World Health Organization recommends dolutegravir as the preferred first-line and second-line HIV treatment for all populations. As well as being effective, treatments incorporating dolutegravir-based regimens have demonstrated greater adherence, due to fewer side effects, while presenting enhanced, safety, and reduced likelihood of drug resistance.

“This decision represents a milestone for public health in Colombia. Since the Ministry of Health initiated the administrative procedures earlier this year, over 120 civil society organizations, other government agencies, academia and international organizations including UNAIDS supported this process,” said Andrea Boccardi Vidarte, UNAIDS Director for the Andean Countries. "Through our local, regional and global offices, UNAIDS will continue supporting the government on the implementation of this landmark decision.” 

With this decision, the Colombian government estimates that it will be able to put 28 people on dolutegravir for the same price that it is allocated today to treat just one person. The implementation of the measure will allow the country to access less expensive, but just as effective, generic versions. A huge increase in reach with quality medicines which will save lives.

Colombia had already issued national guidelines in 2021 to prioritize dolutegravir as the recommended first-line antiretroviral treatment, in line with WHO recommendations. However, the high price of dolutegravir has remained an obstacle to expanding access and making it widely available to people living with HIV in the country.

This ruling will save lives in Colombia and across the region. The country hosts the largest number of Venezuelan migrants in the world (2.9 million as of October 2022). Recent studies have shown a 0.9% HIV prevalence among this migrant population, almost double the 0.5% HIV prevalence among the country’s adult population. 

“This decision provides the government with the legal conditions to manufacture or purchase more affordable versions of this essential first-line antiretroviral treatment for all people living with HIV in Colombia, including Venezuelan migrants”, said Ms Cabal.

Compulsory licensing is a provision in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement). It enables governments to supply its citizens with generic versions of patented treatments either through domestic production or imports, ensuring health products’ prices are affordable.

The 2001 WTO Declaration on the TRIPS agreement and public health reaffirmed the rights of member states to make use of all flexibilities in the TRIPS agreement to protect public health, including compulsory licenses. More recently, in the 2021 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, countries committed to make use of TRIPS flexibilities, specifically geared to promoting access to medicines.


The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.


UNAIDS Latin America and the Caribbean
Daniel de Castro
tel. +507 6998 3175
Sophie Barton Knott
tel. +41 79 514 6896

Related: UNAIDS welcomes announcement by Colombian government that will enable people access to the most appropriate HIV treatment for them


Feature Story

Addressing violence against women sex workers in Peru

27 July 2023

Ángela Villón Bustamante has been a sex worker and human rights activist for her community in Peru for almost 25 years. She has experienced first-hand the violence against sex workers. After she was beaten by a policeman in 1996, she began her activism.  

"I don't want anyone else to end up almost dead like I did. The organization Miluska Vida y Dignidad (Miluska Life and Dignity, in English) is the organisation I created almost 30 years ago to find justice for those of us violated by public forces", recalls Ángela. "It was the first sex workers' organisation in Peru, and its name is in honour of my dear friend Miluska, who died after being beaten by one of them." 

In the same years, transgender woman Alejandra Fang also was imprisoned for sex work, and a police officer asked her to have sex to be released. "I was forced into sex because, as a trans woman, I had no alternative. As a result of that traumatic situation, I decided to become an activist," says Alejandra.   

Like Ángela, Alejandra also turned her negative experiences into opportunities for others so that no one would have to go through the same situations. She then became part of the Casa Trans Zuleymi and now leads Trans Organizacion Feminista (Feminist Trans Organization).   

According to the Peruvian Ombudsman's Office, 95.8% of trans women have been victims of violence, 62.2% are engaged in sex work due to lack of employment opportunities, and only 5.1% have completed secondary education.   

More than 10 cis and transgender sex workers have been murdered since the beginning of this year in Peru – four transgender sex workers in one week alone, by February 1. "This situation spread to other provinces in Peru, and sex workers had to go into hiding for weeks to protect their lives," says Ángela. "We have been unable to work and care for our basic personal and family needs."  

The criminalisation of sex workers prevents them from seeking justice when they are harassed, physically harmed, or otherwise discriminated against. "We often do not report abuse to avoid further mistreatment and because of the stigma attached to our occupation," explains the activist.  

"Whether they are living with HIV, migrants, Afro-descendants or indigenous– all these intersections generate exponential stigma and discrimination and place them in extreme vulnerability," says UNAIDS Director for the Andean Countries (Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Colombia), Andrea Boccardi. "It puts them in such a precarious situation that it makes it difficult to access health services, food security, employment, education, and justice. Although self-employed sex work in Peru is legal, they have always been criminalized."  

Given the situation of violence against sex workers in Peru, the organizations led by Angela and Alejandra, along with other organizations such as the Asociación Civil T.S. Rosas Mujeres de Lucha, are among those implementing a plan with the Peruvian Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations to address violence against sex workers in the country.

More than 100 police officers have already been trained by courses designed and facilitated by cis and transgender sex workers. The training provided knowledge on human rights, stigma, and discrimination, and their essential role as guarantors of justice to contribute to adopting a human rights-based approach in their work throughout the country.  

Besides coordinating and facilitating a working group to fight violence and promote the fundamental rights of sex workers with several local and regional organizations and networks, UNAIDS has also partnered with the Public Defender's Office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Peru and with representatives of the sex workers' community to develop a protocol for the provision of legal assistance and victim advocacy services to sex workers.  

"After so many years, I feel that our voice is now being heard," says Ángela.


Related resources

Find out more about HIV criminalization: 

Feature Story

Asociación Lambda: the second home for LGBTIQ+ migrants in Central America

27 June 2023

As millions of people around the world march in the streets of several big cities this month of June to celebrate and honor Pride Month, in Guatemala, over 200 LGBTIQ+ people in human mobility - applicants for refugee or asylum status or nationals and foreigners in transit – and in need of protection find every year in Asociación Lambda their reason to celebrate pride and life through psychosocial care, legal support, medical follow-up and the provision of a shelter or a safe space to be who they are.

Roberto Gonzales*, a Colombian migrant, is one of them. Like hundreds of thousands of other migrants, he overcame the exhausting experience of crossing the Darien Gap,  a journey in which the dangers include natural hazards and criminal gangs known for inflicting violence, including sexual abuse and robbery. According to statistics from the Government of Panama, from January to April 2023, a record number of 127,000 people crossed the Darien.

Unlike many people who go after the American dream, Gonzales wants to stay in Guatemala because the country has a lot to offer. "LAMBDA, for me, is a unique platform of empowerment. They listen to you; they invite you for training twice a month", he says. "Through Lambda, I have formed a network of friends and support. One should not forget the importance of mental health if we want to move forward."

Asociación Lambda works to improve the livelihoods of this marginalized group by providing technical assistance to community groups in management, governance, leadership, and entrepreneurship skills. Lambda's activities strengthen community organizations through education and training and build action and peer-to-peer learning networks.

Andres Martinez*, from Nicaragua, is thankful to Lambda for their support in successfully processing his refugee claim. In his country, he was persecuted for being a journalist and suffered violence in his community because of his sexual orientation. "It is difficult to reinvent oneself in another country, but my favorite color is green, the color of hope, because I hope one day to return to my country," says Martinez. "Here, at Lambda, I felt supported by a brother. One feels very safe with the staff. The shelter is my second home."

As in many parts of the world, LGBTQI+ people in Central America face a complex reality that exposes them to different forms of violence and discrimination and puts their physical integrity at risk, limits their life options, often forces them to flee their homes, and, in some cases, to escape their own countries. The National LGBTIQ+ Human Rights Observatory, which Lambda coordinates, documented at least 29 violent deaths of LGBTIQ+ people in 2022 in the region, killed for reasons allegedly related to their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

As part of the LGBTIQ+ Pride Month activities, Lambda opened the doors of its shelter to a United Nations delegation in Guatemala led by the Resident Coordinator Miguel Barreto for an exchange with migrants hosted and receiving care in their safe space. "I came away from the dialogue more human and supportive, and convinced of the centrality of the United Nations commitment to end discrimination and exclusion, reduce vulnerabilities, and promote the human rights of every human being," said Barreto after the visit and the dialogues.

Along with UNAIDS, several UN agencies, funds, and programmes, like the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), have joined forces to support Lambda in different fronts hosting, sheltering and supporting LGBTIQ+ migrants and those in transit or in need of protection.

"Before coming to Lambda, very few of our clients had had sufficient access to information about HIV risks and prevention, many of them are victims of sexual crimes, and it is only when they arrive at Lambda that they are offered information and testing free of charge," explains Carlos Valdés, Director of Lambda. "Some people were already aware of their HIV diagnosis but did not know how to access care services."

Globally in 2021 gay men and other men who have sex with men have a 28 times higher risk of acquiring HIV than the rest of the adult (15-49) male population, and among transgender women, the risk is 14 times higher than adult women (15-49) in the general population

Among over 200 people who came to Lambda in 2022, 19% of the men and 17% of the women lived with HIV.

"The vast majority of these people were trans women and gay men, mainly from Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela, and Nicaragua," explains Marie Engel, UNAIDS Representative for Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Honduras. "We know that these situations of stigma, discrimination, and violence create barriers to accessing health services, including HIV. We must recognize the greater vulnerability of the LGBTQI+ community to HIV and support their right to health and dignity."

*All names of Lambda beneficiaries in this report have been changed for people’s safety.

Press Release

UNAIDS welcomes announcement by Colombian government that will enable people access to the most appropriate HIV treatment for them

UNAIDS welcomes the issuance of Resolution 881 of 2023 by the Ministry of Health of Colombia, which initiates the administrative procedure to evaluate the existence of reasons of public interest for issuing a compulsory license for dolutegravir (DTG)-based regimens. According to the ministerial resolution, the impact of this measure could mean a significant reduction of more than 80% of DTG’s price.

Dolutegravir (DTG) is an antiretroviral integrase inhibitor, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a first-line treatment option for people living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Regarding viral suppression and disease reduction, treatments incorporating DTG-based regimens have demonstrated greater adherence due to their lower incidence of adverse events while presenting enhanced effectiveness, safety, and reduced likelihood of resistance development.

Compulsory licensing is a provision in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (“TRIPS Agreement”), that enables governments to supply its citizens with generic versions of patented treatments either through domestic production or imports, ensuring drug prices are affordable. WTO Inter-ministerial 2001 Doha Declaration reaffirmed the rights of member states to make use of all flexibilities in the agreement to protect public health, including compulsory licenses, “and the freedom to determine the grounds upon which such licenses are granted.” More recently, in the 2021 Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on AIDS, countries have committed to make use of TRIPS flexibilities “specifically geared to promoting access to medicines.”

"This resolution is a step forward to provide equal and sustainable access to best HIV treatment options for all people living with HIV in Colombia, nationals and migrants. This action shows the government’s commitment to close the treatment gap with assured quality affordable essential medicines which are easy to take and very well tolerated.”, says Andrea Boccardi, UNAIDS Director for the Andean Countries (Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Colombia. "The government issued national guidelines in 2021, in line with WHO recommendations, but until now high prices of DTG have remained an obstacle to make it widely accessible to people living with HIV in Colombia."

The Colombian League for the Fight against AIDS and the IFARMA Foundation also celebrated the decision from the Colombian government. Both institutions participated on behalf of civil society in the updating of the Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) based on scientific evidence for the care of HIV/AIDS infection in adults, pregnant women and adolescents.

"The decision validates past initiatives of civil society in Colombia to achieve greater coverage of simplified treatments with fewer adverse effects at the lowest possible price, while at the same time it will reinvigorate the efforts of community-based organizations in education and promotion of adherence to ARVs, recognizing that structural barriers are factors that facilitate or hinder adherence to antiretroviral treatments", says Jorge Pacheco, Director of the Colombian League for the Fight against AIDS.

“Through this measure Colombia is taking an important step to guarantee people’s access to the most appropriate medication for them in line with international recommendations and commitments”, says Luisa Cabal, UNAIDS Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean. "Timely access to effective HIV treatment can save lives, improve health outcomes, enhance the quality of life, and contribute to the overall well-being of individuals living with HIV. This measure shows commitment to the global effort to combat inequalities in access to health."

UNAIDS commends and supports the Ministry of Health for its proactive approach to pursuing public interest and urges all stakeholders to collaborate in implementing Resolution 881 of 2023. 


The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.


UNAIDS Latin America and the Caribbean
Daniel de Castro
tel. +507 6998 3175

Read resolution (in Spanish)

Press Release

Brazil hosts the announcement of the Global Council on Inequality, AIDS and Pandemics

UNAIDS launching group to generate evidence on the inequalities driving pandemics and advocate for the adoption of multisectoral approaches to strengthen the response to AIDS and other pandemics  

BRASILIA/GENEVA, 6 June 2023—Brazil is hosting the announcement of the new Global Council on Inequality, AIDS and Pandemics chaired by The First Lady of Namibia, Monica Geingos, the Director of the University College London Institute for Health Equity, Sir Michael Marmot and the Nobel prize winning economist, Joseph E. Stiglitz. Brazil’s Minister of Health, Nísia Trindade, is a founding member.

“I am delighted to host the announcement of the Global Council on Inequality, AIDS and Pandemics. It is time to convert lessons learned into action by reducing the inequalities driving today’s health crises and strengthening pandemic preparedness for the future,” said Ms Trindade, “Brazil is determined to play its part by making the case for increased collaboration and evidence-based policymaking to build more resilient health systems around the world.”

Social and economic inequalities within countries and between them are exacerbating and prolonging pandemics and amplifying their impact amongst the poorest and the most vulnerable. The same intersecting inequalities that drive HIV, COVID-19, MPox and other diseases are leaving countries and communities at risk of future outbreaks and pandemics. But experience shows that there are actions at the global, regional and national levels that can build pandemic responses that reduce rather than exacerbate inequality.

The work of the Global Council will harness essential evidence for policymakers and elevate political attention to the need for action to end inequalities that fuel AIDS and other pandemics. Crucially, it will encourage and support frontline communities to advocate for the policy shifts necessary to fight current pandemics and better prepare for tomorrow’s outbreaks.

“The AIDS response is one of the best examples of how communities experiencing intersecting inequalities can unite to overcome them and save millions of lives,” said UNAIDS Executive Director, Winnie Byanyima who is a member of the Global Council and is in Brazil for the announcement. “A broad movement of people living with and affected by HIV has brought down the price of medicines and diagnostics, strengthened national health responses, enabled the rise of a strong network of community-led organizations and secured the removal of punitive discriminatory laws in many countries. But evidence-based policies and approaches need to be applied everywhere and for everyone and sadly that’s not the case right now.” 

Gender-based inequities endanger the health of women around the world. For example, in countries including Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, and Liberia HIV prevalence for young women is more than 5 times more than young men of the same age—reflecting, in part, economic and education inequality.

“Gender inequality provides fuel to pandemics like AIDS and COVID-19” said the First Lady of Namibia, Monica Geingos. “It increases the vulnerability of women and girls to deadly viruses by limiting access to knowledge, financial resources, and life-choices and undermines their ability to protect themselves and their families. We have to re-imagine pandemic responses that can reduce inequality rather than exacerbate it.”

“Inequalities in access to health and other essential services are largely the result of deliberate policy choices,” said Joseph Stiglitz. “To fight future pandemics, we must learn the lessons of the HIV response and adopt inequality-busting approaches to make the world a healthier, fairer and safer place for everyone.”

Successes and failures in the HIV response provide valuable lessons on how the world can deal with future pandemics. For example, gay men are more likely to be living with HIV. But laws and policies drive the size of the gap. In Malaysia where gay men are criminalized and arrested gay men are 72 times more likely to be infected than other adults; but in Thailand where same-sex relations are legal and community pandemic response is strong, gay men are only 12 times more likely. Viruses cross population groups. These contribute to why Thailand, with lower inequality, is approaching epidemic control while Malaysia is losing ground in the fight against AIDS.

Meanwhile, the issue of inequality extends beyond HIV to other pandemics. Countries with higher income inequality, for example, have experienced greater COVID-19 mortality. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, wealthy countries spent billions of dollars on responses but almost half of developing countries were forced to cut health spending, undermining the capacity to fight global pandemics.  Several countries in Africa continue reporting significant numbers of MPox deaths during the pandemic, yet the vaccines being used in high-income countries are not available.        

Even within countries that have made good progress against HIV, some communities have struggled to benefit from the staggering pace of medical advances. In Brazil, HIV infections are falling dramatically among the white population as access to treatment is widened and new prevention tools such as PrEP are rolled out but HIV infections among the black population are still on the rise.

“Evidence-based strategies to address the social determinants of health are crucial not only for improved health outcomes for the individual but also for building stronger economies and fairer societies,” said Sir Michael Marmot, from Brasilia. “Health is a good marker of how well a society is doing overall. Health equity tells us about societal inequalities.”


The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.


Renato De Paiva Guimaraes
tel. +55 61 99304 2654
UNAIDS Latin America and the Caribbean
Daniel de Castro
tel. +507 6998 3175
Michael Hollingdale
tel. +41 79 500 2119


Social materials

Watch: Jovem de Expressao matters to young people in Ceilandia, Brazil

Feature Story

How working with providers of natural and holistic medicine for complementary self-care techniques is helping Nicaragua increase adherence to HIV medicines and reduce new infections

29 May 2023

Right after taking his HIV treatment each morning, Antonio Hooker prepares a kit of fresh herbs and fruits he has bought at the local market to cross the Bilwa area, a village on the northern Caribbean coast of Nicaragua, as a health promoter for the Association of People Living with HIV (ASONVIHSIDA). He strengthens HIV prevention knowledge among vulnerable groups in his indigenous Miskitu community. He also teaches community leaders and people living with HIV or other health problems to use the power of natural medicine in conjunction with antiretroviral medicines to improve their immune systems.

Antonio is one of the dozens of volunteers and community promoters who have been certified by the Nicaraguan AIDS Commission, the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Natural Medicine and Complementary Therapies through training in "Self-Care in Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV from the Perspective of Natural Medicine".

Since his diagnosis 17 years ago, Antonio has learned the importance of self-care. He now shares his knowledge and training experiences with family members and others living with HIV in remote communities along the Nicaraguan coast.

"The course opened my mind to the importance of natural medicine and traditional practices, such as massage and meditative activities," says the health promoter. "We know these techniques work because we see improvement in our health while seeing progress in adherence to HIV treatment, as well as strengthening social, community networks and relationships within the families of people living with HIV."

The course "Self-care in Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV from the Perspective of Natural and Holistic Medicine" aims to provide guidelines on self-care for people living with HIV or similar conditions and their families. Through the appropriate use of medicinal plants, reflexology (a system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points in the feet, hands and head linked to each part of the body) and complementary therapies, such as the practice of the Chinese martial art and system of callisthenics well known as Tai Chi Chuan, which consists in sequences of slow controlled movements. 

"The objective is to build skills and abilities among people living with HIV, volunteers and active community members to develop a comprehensive approach to sexual and reproductive health, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV," explains Dr Enrique Beteta, Nicaragua's Deputy Minister of Health. "It also allows people to access information and linkage to health services at the local level to take care of their health and the well-being of those around them."

The services harnessing natural medicine are complementary, not alternative, to HIV medicines. Indeed, the programmes have helped increase uptake of and adherence to HIV medicines.

Nicaragua’s comprehensive approach and partnership with communities has helped it to advance progress on treatment and prevention. Since 2010, Nicaragua has experienced a 20% decrease in new HIV infections, while in Latin America, new infections have increased by 5% in the same period. About 11 000 people live with HIV in the country, and 90% have been tested and know their positive diagnosis, above regional (82%) and global (85%) rates.

The course offers 84 hours of theoretical and practical training, a quarter of which is focused on Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV modules. The certification also focuses on putting people at the centre, not only as beneficiaries but also as key protagonists, participating, exercising and demanding access to their rights for equality and equity.

"The course also aims to identify in people the autonomy to make decisions, as transformative agents, in a framework of respect, solidarity and social justice," explains Marie Engel, Director of the UNAIDS Multi-country Office for Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. "Working to eliminate stigma and discrimination is also an important outcome of this initiative."

Feature Story

Brazil announces its commitment to the global initiative against HIV-related stigma and discrimination

19 May 2023

Brazil has joined the 34 countries that are part of the Global Partnership to take action to eliminate all forms of HIV-related stigma and discrimination. The country's entry into this group of nations was announced at a celebratory event of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia, held in Brasilia, Brazil’s capital and organized in partnership by UNAIDS, ILO, and the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship.

The Global Partnership is an initiative launched through a call for action from the NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) in 2018 to remove HIV related stigma in six settings: healthcare, justice, community, workplace, educationa and humanitarian.  It is co-convened by UNAIDS, UN Women, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Global Network of People Living with HIV, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. It is also supported by a technical working group composed of 10 United Nations agencies and 24 partners and civil society organizations.

With Brazil, now 35 countries have formally joined the Global Partnership, committing to act against HIV-related stigma and discrimination in the contexts of healthcare services, educational settings, workplaces, justice systems, domestic and community environments, emergency systems, and humanitarian crises.

According to Luisa Cabal, the Regional Director of UNAIDS in Latin America, Brazil's entry into the Global Partnership is a significant step in the collective response against HIV-related stigma and discrimination in Latin America and the world. "By joining this initiative, Brazil reaffirms its commitment to defending human rights, promoting social inclusion, and eliminating barriers to access prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing response to HIV," she explains.

By joining the Global Partnership, Brazil will have access to a platform that will allow the country to share experiences and best practices with the other participating countries, creating opportunities for collective learning, strengthening the joint response to HIV-related stigma and discrimination.

"It is important to highlight that by joining the Global Partnership, Brazil will also reinforce its leadership role in the region and global diplomacy for health and human rights, demonstrating its commitment to equity and social justice," emphasizes Luisa Cabal.

It is indeed a precedent for the GP that commitment to join the Global Partnership has been witnessed by two Ministers.

Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship Silvio Almeida reiterated his unrestricted support and commitment to public policies promoting and protecting the rights of LGBTQIA+ people. ”For those who suffer violence, and are killed simply for being who they are, these people will be protected in a public commitment, and I renew this commitment not only as Silvio Almeida, but as Minister of State for Human Rights of Brazil” emphasized H.E.

Representing the Ministry of Health Helvécio Miranda, Secretary of Specialized Health Care, similarly shared the Ministry's commitment to embrace the agenda of LGBTQIA+ rights and ensure comprehensive healthcare access for all people emphasizing on a gender approach, and with a special focus on those at risk, with specific needs, or experiencing different forms of violence.

Vinícius Pinheiro, Director for Brazil at ILO, embraced the significance of the Global Partnership in promoting social justice and decent work with inclusion and opportunities for all people so that no one is left behind.

The Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate all Forms of HIV-related Stigma and Discrimination

Feature Story

Virtual course on HIV, gender and human rights: empowering medical teachers in Guatemala

18 May 2023

The University of San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) Faculty of Medical Sciences, in collaboration with UNAIDS, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), launched an online course titled "Conceptos clave sobre VIH, Género y Derechos Humanos" (Key Concepts on HIV, Gender, and Human Rights). The four-module course is designed to provide teaching staff with detailed knowledge about key concepts related to HIV, its treatment and prevention, and the national and international legal framework guiding the response to HIV, as well as the gender and human rights dimensions of the epidemic.

With an estimated three new HIV infections each day in Guatemala and only 73% of the estimated 31,000 people living with HIV receiving antiretroviral treatment and persisting high level of stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV, the course is a significant step towards addressing the country's HIV challenges. The course aims to provide teaching staff and students with the necessary resources to promote, protect, and fulfill the human rights of adults, adolescents, and children living with or at risk of acquiring HIV, in all their diversity.

The course consists of 140 hours of study, including 70 hours of theory and 70 hours of practice, and will be undertaken between May and August 2023. Course participants will join virtual classes and synchronous group workshops and will have to submit the required tasks according to a work schedule.

The course covers four modules: Module 1 - Update on HIV and AIDS; Module 2 - National and international legal framework for the response to HIV; Module 3 - Health sector Policy framework for HIV response; Module 4- Key concepts on gender and human Rights.

During the inauguration, Marie Engel, UNAIDS Country Director, expressed her hope that participants would enjoy taking the course as much as she and other partners had in developing it. She also emphasized that "the course will be enriched with participants' individual knowledge and experiences, their doubts and concerns. There is obviously a lot of knowledge and wisdom among course participants that the facilitators will strive to capture."

Dr. José María Gramajo, General Coordinator of the USAC Faculty of Medical Sciences' Area of Teachers and Postgraduate training, highlighted that "this refresher course will contribute to the professional development of faculty teachers, sharing with them the latest knowledge about innovations related to HIV prevention, detection, and care, and ensuring an in-depth understanding of cross-cutting issues relevant to HIV and other public health problems."

Teaching staff and students are catalysts with the power to change the national response to HIV. As stated by Dr. Mirna Herrarte, Coordinator of the national HIV, STI, and AIDS program, "I am glad to know that there are so many professionals who want to know more about HIV. In the country, HIV treatment schemes are constantly reviewed. As an anecdote, Guatemala had more than 200 antiretroviral schemes a year ago. Under my leadership, we have reduced those schemes by 75%."

Inequalities persist in the most basic health and HIV services, such as access to screening, treatment, and condoms. USAC's collaborative initiative is an important step towards ensuring that all sectors, including academia, are engaged in ending social, economic, and legal inequities. The University of San Carlos de Guatemala is the largest and oldest university in Guatemala, and the only national and public university in the Central American country. 

Feature Story

In Northeast Brazil, civil society and local government collaborate to increase HIV treatment adherence

03 April 2023

In 1988, a group of activists came together in Fortaleza, the fifth largest city in Brazil and capital of Northeastern state of Ceará, to create the local chapter of the National Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (RNP+CE). The aim was to ensure that people living with HIV could be guaranteed the right to care, treatment adherence, and legal assistance.

Currently, the NGO (Non-Government Organizations) also offers educational workshops, support for the combination prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other activities for more than 1,000 registered people. Among them is Carlos Salmão, an HIV activist living in Fortaleza, who felt individually and collectively welcomed by the organization. "This support was very important to me and is fundamental for people living with HIV here in Ceará because it is a reference of the response to the AIDS epidemic. That is why I feel pleasure in contributing", he explains.

The RNP+CE was one of five Brazilian NGOs that received resources from the Fast-track Cities grants initiative, launched by UNAIDS in 2022. With the award, the organization developed actions around two objectives: increasing linkage and adherence of vulnerable key-populations to HIV prevention, diagnosis, and treatment by disseminating and sharing information with health professionals as well as the general public; and improving the knowledge of the Undetectable Equals Untransmittable (U = U) strategy in the city of Fortaleza by carrying out communication campaigns.

Project actions and participation of municipal government

The project involved 10 local HIV-positive activists in the development and implementation of the communication campaigns. They also were involved in preparing a seminar that brought together 120 people from civil society to dialogue about and to present to municipal government representatives proposals to improve the care for people living with HIV, based on the perspectives and actual needs of the users of public health services in Fortaleza. An additional theme of discussion was the challenges and the importance of guaranteeing a satisfactory level of adherence to HIV treatment to avoid abandonment.

Still as part of the project, a booklet on HIV, self-esteem and health was produced and distributed, providing practical information for people who receive a positive diagnosis for HIV. Additionally, in coordination with the municipal government, RNP + CE printed and distributed more than 3,000 copies of posters on HIV treatment adherence and on U = U. This material was displayed in places with high concentrations of people, such as bus terminals, reaching about 1.1 million people daily.

Participation of local government officials was a strategic element to the project’s success, as they are in direct contact with reality and the existing challenges. "We are still far from reaching an ideal level where there is less need to reinforce these [HIV] actions, but we are advancing in this direction through constant and well-structured work", says Carlos Paiva, coordinator of IST/AIDS at the Municipal Health Secretariat of Fortaleza.

Ariadne Ribeiro, UNAIDS Officer for Equality and Rights for All People, agrees and adds: "It is rewarding to see how the dialogue between communities, civil society, and the municipal government is moving towards a common goal, which is the improvement of public policies in the city of Fortaleza for people living with HIV and to end AIDS as a threat to public health."

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