Latin America

Feature Story
Young volunteers in Honduras strengthen UNAIDS efforts in the response to HIV
14 August 2012
14 August 2012 14 August 2012
UNAIDS country coordinator for Honduras Alberto Stella (left) with two volunteers during an outreach activity in Tegucigalpa during World AIDS Day 2011.
In 2007, UNAIDS helped youth participation in the national response to AIDS in Honduras with the creation of the UNAIDS Network of Young Volunteers. Members of the network are young people who are committed to changing the course of the epidemic in the country. The network works in partnership with the United Nations Volunteer Programme, local community-based organizations, and civil society.
“We believe that meaningful youth participation is crucial to a prevention revolution and to increasing HIV awareness among young people in Honduras,” says Alberto Stella, UNAIDS Country Coordinator for Honduras.
UNAIDS provides volunteers with technical support for the planning and implementation of community mobilization and outreach activities, as well as a physical space where volunteers can work independently. About 40 young people have taken part in this initiative since 2007, and through their work they have been able to reach young people at a national level.
We believe that meaningful youth participation is crucial to a prevention revolution and to increasing HIV awareness among young people in Honduras
Alberto Stella, UNAIDS Country Coordinator for Honduras
¨We built an information-sharing mechanism between UNAIDS and young people through social media and the UNAIDS website”, explains Edgardo Benítez, a volunteer with the network. “We felt that there was a lot of available information but no easy access to it. Through social media we regularly share key documents, announcements and updates”.
The Network also coordinates a documentation centre in the UNAIDS office, which has national and international publications on HIV and related issues, and is used frequently by young people for academic research.
UNAIDS organizes regular training for volunteers in HIV prevention, human rights, and related issues. This enables them to share their knowledge with their peers. The Network of Young Volunteers has partnered with universities and high schools to conduct workshops in urban and rural areas.

Outreach activity at a public school in Olanchito, a province in northern Honduras.
“In rural areas, most people still hold taboos and myths about HIV”, explains Sheila Serón, who has been an active volunteer since 2007. “While volunteering with the network I had the chance to inform girls that they could avoid HIV infection by using condoms in a correct and consistent manner, as well as emphasize the importance of taking an HIV test”.
The network also coordinates outreach activities to encourage young people’s participation. In the last two years volunteers have organized movie forums at which young people debate issues such as social inequalities, stigma and discrimination in relation to HIV. Such activities have become a common platform for young people to interact in a friendly environment and participate in discussions. In 2011 the Network used social media to mobilize young people to participate in a photo art competition to show the link between HIV and human rights. The best photographs became part of a travelling photo exhibition and toured several cities in Honduras. This initiative was supported by the Casas de la Cultura (Institutions of Culture).
Young people have become major actors in their own response. The network supported UNAIDS and other partners in the organization and follow-up of key national events, including a wide range of activities during World Aids Day in 2010 and 2011, which were planned in partnership with the Ministry of Health, civil society organizations and people living with HIV.
Network volunteers come from a broad range of cultural, social and geographical backgrounds and reflect the diversity of Honduran society. Volunteers are encouraged to visit civil society and community-based organizations. Marianela Muñoz spent one month in a community-based organization caring for AIDS-orphaned children. “With this experience I got a glimpse of the actions I want to take to help my country”, she says.

Young people have become major actors in their own response. Volunteers engaged with mime artists in the streets of the capital city showing messages related to HIV during World AIDS Day 2010.
“Taking part in the UNAIDS Volunteer Network has opened my mind to the fact that we all have the right to be healthy, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or religion, and that HIV should not be a reason to stigmatize or discriminate others. I have learned so much alongside my fellow volunteers at UNAIDS; now I am informed and empowered”, says Violeta Mora, another volunteer with the network.
In 2011, the programme was awarded the National Cultural Volunteer Award by The Ministry of Culture, The Spanish Embassy in Honduras, UNDP and UNV for its outstanding work as a young volunteer organization that promotes social development.

Feature Story
Panama to sort out challenges in delivering antiretroviral medicines
29 June 2012
29 June 2012 29 June 2012
The First Lady of Panama and Chair of the CONAVIH, Ms Marta Linares De Martinelli and UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director, Programmes, Dr Paul De Lay. Panama City, Panama. 28 June 2012.
Credit: UNAIDS
The National AIDS Authority of Panama (CONAVIH) held its quarterly session on 26 June 2012. The meeting reviewed the stock out of antiretroviral (ARV) medicines that has been affecting the country in the past months.
The First Lady of Panama and Chair of the CONAVIH, Ms Marta Linares De Martinelli highlighted the need for all partners involved in the national AIDS response to undertake the necessary actions to provide ARV medications regularly and permanently. “It is a matter of life or death,” Ms Linares stressed.
The meeting brought together high level government representatives from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education as well as civil society leaders and people living with HIV. UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director, Programmes, Dr Paul De Lay participated in the session at the special invitation from the First Lady.
Dr De Lay commended the authorities on the progress made in scaling up access to antiretroviral treatment but also stressed the need to identify new mechanisms for the distribution of ARVs to avoid stock outs in the future. “Timely and uninterrupted provision of medications to people living with HIV is a matter of commitment to human rights” affirmed Dr De Lay.
The ARV stock outs that occurred in the country were attributed to delays in the ARV purchase due to complex institutional regulations. Participants at the meeting agreed to establish a coordinating committee to identify existing barriers to purchase and provide ARVs. This committee will include representatives from civil society, pharmacists and physicians from health service institutions.
The need for a more precise calculation of annual ARV requirements was also seen as key to avoid stock outs together with a faster process for import, legalization and distribution of medications to the 15 local health facilities where people living with HIV are attended. Currently there are around 11 000 people living with HIV in Panama of which 6 000 are receiving ARV treatment.
Eliminating new HIV infections among children
Dr De Lay congratulated the First Lady´s leadership in the implementation of the national strategy to eliminate new HIV infections among children and keeping their mothers alive. "This country may be one of the first countries in Latin America to achieve the goal of zero new HIV infections among children by 2015," expressed Dr De Lay. “Panama has everything that’s needed to reach this goal even ahead of 2015. However, it is still necessary to expand the current 76% coverage of HIV testing to all pregnant women, especially in rural areas" he added.
The First Lady stressed her commitment as the Chairperson of the National AIDS Commission to scale up the coverage of prevention of mother-to-child transmission services to all women in need throughout the country. “We will increase our efforts in order to achieve the target of zero new HIV infections among children.” concluded the First Lady.

Feature Story
Rio+20: The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
20 June 2012
20 June 2012 20 June 2012
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+20 will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 20-22 June. The high-level meeting brings together more than 100 Heads of State and government, along with UN officials and representatives of the private sector and civil society to shape new policies to promote prosperity, reduce poverty and advance social equity and environmental protection.
This year’s event marks the 20th anniversary of the historic 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) that was held in the same city and the 10th anniversary of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg. The conference is organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
“Rio+20 is about building a future we want, it’s about shared aspirations,” said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon speaking ahead of the conference. Rio+20 is a “once-in-a-generation opportunity to make real progress,” he added.
Rio+20 is about building a future we want, it’s about shared aspirations
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
The Conference will focus on two themes: a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; and the institutional framework for sustainable development. It will also focus on seven priority areas: decent jobs, energy, sustainable cities, food security and sustainable agriculture, water, oceans and disaster readiness.
Ahead of the conference, Member States announced that they have reached an agreement on the outcome document of the Conference. “We now have a text which will be adopted at the Conference,” said Rio+20’s Secretary-General, Sha Zukang . “We think the text contains a lot of action, and if this action is implemented, and if follow-up measures are taken, it will indeed make a tremendous difference in generating positive global change.”
Sustainable Development and AIDS
The Rio+20 outcome document states Member States’ commitment to redoubling efforts to achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, and to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
“The global AIDS response has served as a pathfinder and an entry point for inclusive growth, social justice and the restoration of human dignity,” said UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé. “The AIDS movement demonstrates that through strategic partnerships, even complex and enduring barriers to development can be effectively surmounted,” he added.
According to UNAIDS, there can be no sustainable development without health, human rights and gender equality.
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Feature Story
Football World Cup for lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual people gives AIDS the Red Card
19 June 2012
19 June 2012 19 June 2012
Team captains participating in the Mexican World Cup signing the pledge to support the UNAIDS campaign “Give AIDS the Red Card”. Credit: UNAIDS
The game of football has once again scored a goal against HIV at the 2012 International Gay and Lesbian Football Association (IGLFA) World Championship Cup, held in Mexico from 1st to 9th June 2012.
At the tournament, footballers from 8 teams representing the Americas, Europe and Oceania joined the UNAIDS’ campaign “Give AIDS the Red Card” to promote HIV prevention and take a stand against stigma and discrimination.
“We are proud to stand together with UNAIDS and its partners to give AIDS the red card,” said Andoni Bello Lanestosa, captain of the Mexican team. “We can make change happen. We can help reduce HIV transmission by 50% and end violence and discrimination,” he added.
The Latin America region shows an unfortunate record in terms of human rights violations against lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual (LGTB) people due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. LGTB people face a serious problem of stigma and discrimination that limit their access to health services, education and judicial systems and job opportunities and increases their vulnerability to HIV.
“Experience shows that when people are stigmatized for their sexual orientation or gender identity, they are less likely to access health services and information on HIV prevention,” stressed César A. Núñez, UNAIDS Regional Director for Latin America. “Studies in Latin America show HIV prevalence rates around 10% among men who have sex with men. Among transgender population, HIV prevalence is even higher, between 20 and 28%,” he added.
Football players who join the campaign can inspire people to learn the facts about AIDS, to protect themselves and to fight stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV and LGBT persons
Rubén Mayorga, UNAIDS Country Coordinator for Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile
Two years ago at the FIFA 2010 World Cup held in South Africa, UNAIDS launched the “Give AIDS the Red Card” campaign using the power and outreach of football to unite the world around stopping new HIV infections in children. In this occasion, the campaign, which is based on “Give AIDS the Red Card”, uses the tournament to raise awareness on the HIV prevention needs of the LGTB community.
All team captains participating in the Mexican World Cup signed the pledge to support the UNAIDS campaign. By signing the pledge, the delegations agree to spread the message of the campaign upon return to their respective countries. Along with the team captains, representatives of the International Association of Gay Referees and IGLFA Latin America also endorsed the initiative and signed the pledge.
Football players from the Argentinean and Mexican teams collaborated with the campaign from the beginning. They appeared on posters and advertisement billboards used before and during the ILGFA World Cup. “Sports stars can play an important role in the AIDS response by talking openly about HIV,” said Rubén Mayorga, UNAIDS Country Coordinator for Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile. “Football players who join the campaign can inspire people to learn the facts about AIDS, to protect themselves and to fight stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV and LGBT persons.”
The International Gay and Lesbian Football Association (IGLFA) was founded in 1992 and after 20 years, over 80 teams from more than 20 countries from all over the world have become part of this organization.
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Feature Story
“Making Rights a Reality”: The experiences of organizations of transgender people in the AIDS response
17 May 2012
17 May 2012 17 May 2012
Transgender people in Argentina advocating for the passing of the gender identity law.
In Latin America, transgender people face stigma and discrimination based on their gender identity every day. Such situations limit their access to the education system, job opportunities and health services which, in turn, increase their vulnerability to HIV.
However, the commitment and mobilization power of the transgender community have achieved important political and social changes leading to a more pluralistic and democratic society based on the respect for diversity. Some of these achievements have been compiled in "Making Rights a Reality. The experiences of organizations of transgender people" launched on 17 May on the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.
Produced by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, the Latin American and Caribbean Transgender Network (REDLACTRANS) and UNAIDS, the report is a compilation of six case studies. It focuses on the efforts made by transgender organizations in Latin America to achieve an inclusive society based on respect for human rights.
“This work reflects the needs of transgender people in the Latin American context, while highlighting their leadership and how it led to significant political and institutional changes,” said Cesar Nuñez, UNAIDS Regional Director for Latin America. “Only through participation and leadership of transgender people in identifying strategies to protect and guarantee their human rights we can reach a world with zero discrimination,” he added.
Progress has been made in Argentina and Uruguay regarding the legal recognition of human rights of transgender people, the report highlights. In the first case, the passing of a gender identity law confirmed transgender people as full citizens in the eyes of the law. In Uruguay, through a government decree, sex work has been formalized and legalized. Now sex workers are entitled to health insurance, retirement and other benefits.
In Argentina, the transgender organization ATTTA played a key advocacy role in the recent passing of the law on gender identity. “With this law we are claiming our right to identity. We will no more be forgotten by democracy. With this law we are here to make history,” said Marcela Romero, President of ATTTA and Coordinator of REDLACTRANS.
Only through participation and leadership of transgender people in identifying strategies to protect and guarantee their human rights we can reach a world with zero discrimination
Cesar Nuñez, UNAIDS Regional Director for Latin America
In Honduras and Bolivia, the publication stresses the achievement of transgender people’s participation in decision-making spaces within key structures of the AIDS response such as the Country Coordination Mechanism for Global Fund grants. In addition, El Salvador and Ecuador led initiatives in the field of comprehensive health which, resulted in the development of national programmes that now meet the specific needs of transgender people.
All of these achievements have one thing in common: the leadership of transgender people to demand and defend their rights.
"This compilation is in itself a valuable tool for advocacy and will increase the knowledge about transgender issues in the region and in the world, allowing decision-makers to improve existing programmes and approaches,” said Javier Hourcade Bellocq, the Latin American and the Caribbean Regional Representative of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance.
Mr Bellocq stressed that the leadership and participation of transgender people are essential to achieving social justice and strengthening the rule of law. “We cannot scale up universal access to HIV services if we do not have a strong regulation in place that recognizes gender identity. We need governments to ensure 'zero tolerance' to violence, abuse and crime," said Mr Bellocq.

Feature Story
“See to understand”: Human rights, zero discrimination and improved AIDS response
03 May 2012
03 May 2012 03 May 2012
See to understand promotes the use of red glasses to make visible the commitment to counter stigma and discrimination related to HIV.
In Guatemala, wearing a pair of red glasses has transcended from being a fashion statement to a symbol against stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV. UNAIDS, in partnership with the National Red Cross, launched “See to understand”, a campaign that challenges people to look at the world through red glasses for a new perspective on what it can mean to live with HIV.
Millions of people still do not know what HIV is, how it is transmitted or how to prevent it. Furthermore, a range of social prejudices result in people living with HIV being frequently subject to discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. UNAIDS Guatemala and the Guatemalan Red Cross felt it was necessary to speak about HIV in order to stop taboos and prejudices.
The new initiative aims to raise awareness about HIV, eliminate stigma and discrimination and contribute to achieving the UNAIDS vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths in Guatemala.
Ver para entender (See to understand) promotes the use of red glasses to make visible the commitment to counter stigma and discrimination related to HIV. According to the campaign, wearing the glasses means prioritizing health over social and cultural norms and supporting people living with and affected by HIV. "‘To see’ means to challenge fear, ignorance, silence and myths that contribute to fuel the stigma and discrimination that jeopardize the progress made in the response to AIDS,” said Enrique Zelaya, UNAIDS Country Coordinator for Guatemala and Mexico.
Participants can support the campaign by taking a picture of themselves wearing a pair of red glasses and encourage others to do the same. So far more than 800 people have joined this initiative including national authorities and people living with HIV. Among them, Luz Lainfiesta Minister of Social Development, Claudia Samayoa Director of the National STD, HIV and AIDS Program and Otoniel Ramirez REDCA + Regional Secretary.
‘To see’ means to challenge fear, ignorance, silence and myths that contribute to fuel the stigma and discrimination that jeopardize the progress made in the response to AIDS
Enrique Zelaya, UNAIDS Country Coordinator for Guatemala and Mexico
“HIV affects us all and the response requires a comprehensive approach,” said Minister Lainfiesta. “From the Ministry of Social Development we will work to reach the goal of zero discrimination towards people living with HIV.”
The powerful message of the campaign has already expanded beyond Guatemala. During the 19th Session of the Human Rights Council held in Geneva February 2012, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Navi Pillay put on the red glasses and urged countries to protect human rights and work towards the elimination of the stigma and discrimination affecting people living with HIV.
The campaign will undertake additional activities to raise awareness about HIV-related stigma and discrimination including the broadcast of radio messages and the organization of social mobilization activities such as discussion forums, surveys and community arts competitions on HIV.
Prevailing stigma and discrimination
An estimated 65 000 people are living with HIV in the Guatemala. There are more than 20 people becoming newly infected every day amounting around 7 500 new HIV infections each year. The HIV epidemic in the country remains concentrated among key populations at higher risk such as sex workers and their clients and men who have sex with men. Discrimination against these affected populations is also very high in the country making it more difficult for them to access HIV services.
According to the first national human rights report, between 2009 – 2010 there were 313 complaints to the national attorney and civil society organizations of which 46% related to violations of the right to health and 13% to the right to life and integrity. Such violations ranged from shortages of antiretroviral medicines to lack of adequate and friendly health facilities and personnel.
The transgender organization OTRANS stressed in the report that transgender people had limited access to employment because of stigma and discrimination. OTRANS also reported cases of physical aggressions, disappearances and deaths because of gender identity. According to the organization, 13 deaths and 3 disappearances were reported from 2007 to 2011.
"Since the beginning of the epidemic, stigma and discrimination have been identified as the main obstacle to an effective HIV response,” said Cesar Núñez, UNAIDS Regional Director for Latin America. “Discrimination related to HIV is itself a violation of human rights, and, in turn, implies the violation of other rights, including the right to health, education, dignity and equality before the law," he added.

Feature Story
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights creates a specialized unit to address human rights of lesbians, gays, bisexual, trans and intersex people
14 March 2012
14 March 2012 14 March 2012
The HIV epidemic in Latin America is mainly concentrated among men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender persons.
Credit: UNAIDS
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has created a specialized technical unit to strengthen its capacity to protect the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex (LGBTI) people in the Americas.
The IACHR is an autonomous body of the Organization of American States (OAS), with a mandate to promote respect for human rights in the region and act as a consultative body to the OAS in this matter.
The specialized unit, created in January 2012, is part of IACHR’s comprehensive approach to promoting the interdependence and indivisibility of all human rights. It takes into account the specific needs of individuals and groups which have been historically the focus of discrimination. Among its functions, the unit analyzes and investigates individual petitions in which violations of human rights of LGBTI are alleged to have been committed by Member States of the OAS.
The HIV epidemic in Latin America is mainly concentrated among men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender persons. The latter group has reported HIV prevalence rates of 27.6% in Argentina and of 29.6% in Peru in contrast to an estimated HIV prevalence among the general population of 0.5% and 0.4% in both countries respectively.
Trans women and men in the Americas face social exclusion that keeps them away from health care, employment and justice, increasing their vulnerability to HIV and human rights violations
Marcela Romero from REDLACTRANS
In addition, the region has experienced an alarming increase in violence and intimidation towards transgender people and MSM. The Inter-American Commission has received information about murders, rapes, and threats against LGBTI people. The Commission agrees that LGBTI persons face serious discrimination both at social and legal level.
UNAIDS has been working closely with the IACHR in recent years. “UNAIDS and the Inter-American Commission established a strategic alliance, based on a set of actions aimed at achieving zero discrimination and violence, with a human rights approach,” commented Víctor Madrigal-Borloz, Principal Specialist at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
The UNAIDS Regional Director for Latin America Dr César Núñez commended the creation of such a specialized unit. He called upon all countries in the region to fully respect the human rights of men who have sex with men, lesbians and transgender people through “enforcing laws to protect them from violence, promoting campaigns that address homophobia and transphobia and ensuring that crucial health needs are met.”
Expert meeting on violence and impunity against LGBTI people
At the end of February 2012 and under the auspices of UNAIDS, the Commission brought together more than 20 independent experts from academia, human rights institutions, civil society, representatives of security forces, the UN and the IACHR to discuss issues around “violence and impunity against lesbians, gays, trans, bisexual and intersex people”.
The expert meeting was the second of six meetings that will contribute to the first ever Hemispheric Report on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Marcela Romero from REDLACTRANS participated in the meeting and highlighted that “trans people, trans women and men in the Americas face social exclusion that keeps them away from health care, employment and justice, increasing their vulnerability to HIV and human rights violations.”
In 2013, the Commission will evaluate the unit's work and will decide whether to create an Office of the Rapporteur on the Rights of LGBTI Persons.
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Feature Story
Costa Rica: Ambitious youth HIV project reaping results
14 November 2011
14 November 2011 14 November 2011
Peer educators providing HIV prevention information during a community fair in Puntarenas.
José is a young AIDS peer educator in the Costa Rican port city of Limon and he is proud to share HIV prevention messages and tips on how to stay healthy with other young people. “It’s really great to see how at the end of a session the group knows more about HIV. We also have a better idea of how to protect ourselves and deal with our relationships more successfully,” he said.
As one of more than 80 peer educators, between the ages of 18 and 24, José is taking part in an ambitious HIV prevention project in the cities of Limon and Puntarenas, which are among the most affected by the virus in Costa Rica. The educators have gone through extensive training and can provide educational and communication materials and tools to their counterparts in a lively and informative way.
The three-year programme which began at the end of 2008 is called Friendly education and health services to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent HIV and AIDS—or Giro 180 for short. Supported by UNAIDS, the programme is managed by its cosponsors the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA). The UN bodies work alongside the country’s Vice-Ministry of Youth and the National Council on Public Policy for Youth.
It’s really great to see how at the end of a session the group knows more about HIV. We also have a better idea of how to protect ourselves and deal with our relationships more successfully
José, a young AIDS peer educator in Limon, Costa Rica
The peer educators themselves have developed a number of the interventions, including using online games that feature questionnaires on HIV risk and a Facebook page. Youth carnivals and community fairs, board game evenings and artistic, musical and recreational activities are also being used.
“We did a fair in Villa Plata, a very poor place,” said Deiker, a youth promoter in Limon. “We gave out information, played and had fun. We were there, sharing experiences with the boys from morning till evening. And in the end the guys didn’t want to leave.”
As well as providing young people with HIV information and life skills to make informed choices, the project also seeks to build the capacity of healthcare and educational institutions to attain these goals in a protective environment.
Some 73 000 adolescents in the two cities aged between 13 and 18 are the main beneficiaries and young people from around the country are also indirectly benefiting from the political and institutional advocacy and information campaigns launched by the project.
Such information campaigns are vital in a country where a 2008 study carried out by UNFPA and UNICEF, with support from UNAIDS, found that the majority of young people in Costa Rica were sexually active by the age of 16. The same study showed that fewer than 30% of young people in Limon and 17% in Puntarenas knew how to use a condom correctly.
However, things are changing. The programme has led to an increase in commitment from government authorities and decision makers. A number of local and regional institutions, such as the Department of Health in Limon, have committed themselves to broadening youth-friendly HIV services. In Puntarenas, schools have adopted the ‘Giro Junior’ intervention, dedicated to the development of specific strategies to challenge HIV, with guidance and support centers. The regional Ministry of Public Education has also prepared a set of guidelines for HIV prevention in schools, which will be binding throughout the region.
The team spearheading the programme hopes that it will become a flagship model. For at least one of the peer educators, Bizmark from Limon, they are enjoying making waves, “Older people might be a bit scared of us talking so openly, widely and directly. We are changing lives in perhaps the only way people can change, which is having fun while learning.”

Feature Story
World forum in Brazil seeks to close health equity gaps
20 October 2011
20 October 2011 20 October 2011
Panelists at the side event “The Politics of Health” included (from left to right): Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, Minister of Health, South Africa; Dr Jarbas Barbosa, Brazil’s Vice-Minister of Health; UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé; Ms Amina Ibrahim, Chief Executive Officer, Center for Development Policy Solutions, Nigeria.
High-level government officials, medical experts and civil society representatives from 120 countries are gathered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at a three-day meeting focused on the social, economic and political conditions that drive health inequities. Convened by the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Conference on Social Determinants of Health provides a global platform for discussion on a range of topics, including early child development, universal health care, social protections, fair financing, gender equity, political empowerment and global governance.
In a panel session at the conference entitled "Politics of Health: Lessons from the AIDS movement to address the social determinants of health,” UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé emphasized the need for a greater focus on the underlying dynamics that fuel health inequities. "AIDS has taught us about the need to address social inequities that put women, children and vulnerable populations at risk for HIV," said Mr Sidibé, who chaired the session, together with Brazil's Vice-Minister of Health, Dr Jarbas Barbosa.
Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, South Africa’s Minister of Health underlined the importance of partnerships in addressing the national HIV epidemic. “We have 19 sectors represented in the South African National AIDS Council, chaired by the Deputy President. When we aim to address the social determinants of health, these groups are essential to mobilize all aspects of our society," he said.
The differences within and between countries, in income levels, in opportunities, in health status, and in access to care are greater today than at any time in recent history.
Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO
Noting the struggle for health and human rights in Brazil, Vera Paiva, Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Sao Paolo said that the mobilization and participation of people affected by HIV has helped ensure the protection of human rights within the country’s HIV response.
Ms Amina Ibrahim—Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Development Policy Solutions in Nigeria and former Special Advisor to the President of Nigeria on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)—underscored that political commitment can become “lost in translation” between policy and action. To lessen the implementation gap, she said that Nigeria is devoting considerable effort to briefing ministries and parliamentarians and providing them with evidence of how investing in education, gender and other MDGs benefits their constituents.
According to WHO there is ample evidence that an individual's health status is largely determined by his or her socio-economic position. "The differences within and between countries, in income levels, in opportunities, in health status, and in access to care are greater today than at any time in recent history," said Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, at the opening plenary of the conference. "A world that is greatly out of balance in matters of health is neither stable nor secure," she added.

During the conference, the UNAIDS Executive Director congratulated Finland’s Minister of Health, Maria Guzenina-Richardson, on her successful role as Vice-President of the Conference. They reflected on areas for mutual collaboration between UNAIDS and the Government of Finland on health promotion, young people and vulnerable populations.
In recent years, the Government of Brazil—host of this week’s conference—has made major strides in improving the health and well-being of its population. Through the publicly-funded Sistema Único de Saúde, every Brazilian is entitled to free health care, from routine check-ups to complex surgical procedures. Nearly all people living with HIV in Brazil who are eligible for antiretroviral treatment now have access. The Government has also taken bold action to address stigma and discrimination, most recently through the launch of a pioneering anti-homophobia campaign.
Speaking at the opening plenary, Alexandre Padilha, the Brazilian Minister of Health, related that in the 23 years since Brazil adopted its democratic Constitution, the country has faced many crises, but has never given up its commitment to providing universal access to medical services free of charge. Brazil, he said, would not allow the current economic crisis to change this.
Following the opening plenary, the UNAIDS Executive Director participated in a High Level Round Table alongside Dr Margaret Chan of WHO, Rebeca Grynspan of the United Nations Development Programme, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, and Tereza Campello, the Brazilian Minister of Social Development.
Calling attention to the seismic political shifts occurring in the global North and South, Mr Sidibé noted that the old rules of development no longer apply. “The world is changing! Countries like Brazil and South Africa have shown that policies founded in respect for all of their people, and that distribute opportunity fairly, bring dynamism and growth that is good for all,” he said.
At the end of the conference, governments are expected to endorse a Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health outlining their pledges to improve the social conditions that affect people's health.

Feature Story
Young drug users in Latin America need a stronger HIV response
26 September 2011
26 September 2011 26 September 2011
The 3rd Conference on Drug Policies in Latin America that took place in Mexico City from 13-14 September brought together experts, academics, civil society organizations legislators and decision makers to discuss drug consumption trends, drug related problems and the policies and interventions developed in the region.
This year, there has been a very active participation from young people in the conference according to Aram Barra, programme director for youth and drugs in ESPOLEA—a Mexican youth platform working on gender, HIV and drugs from a human rights perspective. “We have been gathering a group of young activists since 2009 to promote the inclusion of young drug users in the yearly conference,” he explains. “This year we have made a difference. We moved from being passive spectators to taking active part in the discussions on an equal footing with experts and other decision makers,” said Mr Barra.
Over the course of three days, the conference promoted a social debate around different issues such as HIV among injecting drug users as well as the need for evidence based information covering the situation of youth and policies based on human rights. Reducing by 50% the number of new HIV infections among injecting drug users by 2015, as stated in the political declaration agreed by Member States at the 2011 High Level Meeting on AIDS was a constant reference throughout the conference.
The HIV epidemic in Latin America is mainly concentrated among men who have sex with men and transgender people. However, some countries like Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Mexico are showing prevalence rates around 5 % among injecting drug users.
“We need political will in Latin America to implement the right harm reduction policies and opioid substitution therapy programmes. We need to increase access to information about HIV, clean needles and syringes, create peer support environment and, for people infected with HIV, provide timely access to effective antiretroviral therapy,” said Enrique Zelaya, the UNAIDS Coordinator for Guatemala and Mexico.
The youth need to be involved to make programmes work on the ground and increase their impact
Aram Barra, programme director for youth and drugs in ESPOLEA
The youth in ESPOLEA emphasized the need for a supportive environment to make the goal set in the 2011 Political Declaration achievable in Latin America. “We need to see policy change that decriminalizes drug users and implement harm reduction programmes that take young drug users needs into account”.
According to the youth group, the young crack users in the suburbs of Montevideo and the injecting drug users at the Mexican borders are part of a diverse group of drug users all with different needs and exposing themselves to different risks. There is a need to respond to these complex realities when policies are developed and services put in place.
“The youth need to be involved to make programmes work on the ground and increase their impact. Working together with UNAIDS, UNODC and governments we can achieve the goal of reducing infections by 50 % among injecting drug users,” concluded Aram Barra.
External links
External links
- ESPOLEA (in Spanish)